BANG. BANG. BANG. “Open the door.” A booming voice woke me from my dead sleep. I shuffled to the door, stumbling over my feet. My mind was groggy, and it was walking automatically. Nothing really sinking into my brain except what was happening. BANG. BANG. BANG. “Open the door.” A roar from outside. I opened the door and in the doorway stand two huge men with bulletproof vests. They loomed over me. A cold chill fell over me, I stood there staring at them.
“You know who we are?”.
“Do you know why we are here?”.
Their voices shattered my ears and iced my heart. I knew why they were there. There was nowhere to run, nor did it even enter my mind. I stumbled back into the room as they stomped inside after me, huge and overpowering. I’m 5 ft 2. They were giants next to me.
“We are here to arrest you, now let’s go”. He announced.
“Can I at least get dressed?”. I asked from somewhere outside my body. It didn’t sound like my voice speaking.
“You have 5 minutes, hurry”.
He’s loud, scratchy voice grated against my ears. My mind and body were not responding to my requests to get dressed quickly. I felt myself shrink as I tried to find something appropriate to wear. My jumbled brain couldn’t find anything to wear.