It’s the change of season and a time to reflect on your life, on changes to improve it, to think about what needs to transform it, do you feel
“Is this an impasse?”
“Are there obstructions to growth?”
“Can I make the changes?”
Are you breaking out into a sweat just thinking about these questions?
Is the voice in your head screaming… NOOOO! ?
Pause for a second and reflect on the culprits…..
There are a number of elements that come into play to prevent us from considering change, conditioning from our past, experiences, family and society, all culminating into a fear of the unknown.
Let me explain.
Do you remember Pavlov and his dogs? Pavlov was a Russian scientist , who rang a bell everytime he fed his dogs, eventually when he rang the bell the dogs would salivate, even without food. A new pathway was entrenched in the brain of these dogs, bell = food, when the brain hears a bell, it gives the signal to salivate, expecting food.
Take a step into childhood.
We reminisce as a child playing in the sand, creating with play dough, inventing a world where anything is possible. The mind and brain of a child is open, non judgmental and unrestricted. As we grow…