Member-only story
Stop Thinking About Yourself For One Moment!
My friend is sitting by his bedridden mother’s side, being with her. It’s almost like she waited for this moment so that she can spend time with her son. When he was ready to transform his life and love himself enough to ride the road to recovery. I’m not professing to know the spiritual nature of things and the story behind the masks, however, this is the pattern that emerges from me looking in. The ,love and bond between mother and son is unbreakable and filled with unconditional love. This is something I can attest to. It is when we remember the shortness of life and how it’s over in a flash.
Sometimes we get so caught up in our own little worlds with our own lives and businesses that we don’t see someone close to us who is in pain. We can’t change anything and neither do we want to. It’s their lesson. And we can be there to hold out a hand and say I’m here for you if you need me. Even if it’s just to listen or just sit in silence, it doesn’t matter.
My challenge to you today is to look around you and reach out your hand to someone in unconditional love. One human being to another. Heart to heart and if they don’t respond, know that their pain and fear are too deep. At this moment, it doesn’t matter. It’s about them, not you. It’s about them knowing that there is someone who really cares, regardless. Can you do this in love, just for…